Huntington Middle School
At-Home Learning Expectations
Dear Students and Parents:
Due to COVID-19, our district has been forced to move to a distance learning model. This document is to provide a framework and guidance as we complete the 2019-2020 school year.
Huntington Local School District Admin Team has determined that the expectation for work be 3 activities per subject per week. The focus is on the critical standards needed for the content area. Recommended guidelines for MAXIMUM student commitment each day are as follows:
➜ Grade 5 thru 8 will complete 3 educational learning opportunities per week per
The guidelines above are meant for any delivery model -- packets, on-line, hybrid, etc.
Our teachers will be using these opportunities to see if your child is on track. The teachers will be providing feedback on how your child is doing.
Delivery Method:
➜ Grades 5 thru 8 will use his/her student online accounts: If you have trouble logging into any of your student accounts please contact your teacher and/or Mr. Murphy via email or call the school and leave a message.
Google classroom, google email (gmail), google hangouts, and google docs.
Reflex Math, No Red Ink, Prodigy Math, Khan Academy and/or other internet
sites of teachers choice
➜ Google Hangouts will be offered weekly for student/teacher question and answer
sessions. The day and time will be arranged by the teacher and invites will come
through the students gmail and calendar.
Paper packets will be provided for students that lack internet access to these online platforms. Packets will be mailed to students who request/need these.
Schedule for our students:
➜ Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays - Work on Math, Reading, and English
➜ Tuesdays and Thursdays - Work on Science, Social Studies, and Specials
Parent Support:
Administrators and Teachers will answer email questions regarding student work, assist signing in to apps, or any other questions parents may have regarding their child’s schooling.
24 hour rule - If you call school and leave a message, your call will be returned within 24 hours (weekdays, weekend calls will be answered by Tuesday).
It is the hope of our teachers and administration that during this time your family is safe, secure and taking time to enjoy each other. While learning is very important, our priority at Huntington Middle School is always the well-being of our students. Please reach out if your family needs support. We miss you and we hope to see you all soon!
Take Care,
Matt Murphy, Principal
Huntington Middle School