Huntington Elementary Announcements
May 3rd, 2019
15 Days of School
Open enrollment applications were mailed to current open enrolled students in March for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Please return the completed application to the superintendent's office as soon as possible to be considered for open enrollment next year.
Happy Birthday:Esme Dehus and Audrey Cox
May 3rd- 4th Grade Field Trip to the Zoo
May 6th- Teacher Appreciation Lunch from PTO
May 6th- 10th- Right to Read Week-“Reading through the ages”
Right to Read dress up days- Monday- Tacky Tourist/Time Traveler, Tuesday-Celebrate our History- Wear Red, White and Blue, Wednesday- Throwback Day( medieval knights and ladies, 1800’s, 20’s, 30’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s etc.) Thursday- Read a Shirt Day- (Wear a shirt with words on it), Friday- Celebrate the History and Spirit of Huntington School- Wear Green and White (green hair, crazy green and white clothes, green fingernails, decals, etc.)
May 6th- Right to Read Kick off assembly
May 7th- Mark Twain assembly
May 7-8th- Kindergarten Registration
May 8th- Bookworm
May 9th- Car Show
May 13th- 2nd Grade Field Trip to COSI
May 15th- Science Fair
May 16th- Preschool Graduation-9:30 a.m. in the High School Gym
May 17th- 3rd Grade Field Trip- Bowling Alley
May 20th- Field Day and 2 hour early release
May 21st- Talent Show @ 1:00 p.m. in High School Gym
May 22nd- Kindergarten Graduation @ 9:45 a.m. in High School Gym
May 22nd- 4th Nine Weeks Awards Assembly @ 12:30 for 1st and 2nd grade in High School Gym
May 22nd- 4th Nine Weeks Awards Assembly @ 1:30 for 3rd and 4th Grade in High School Gym
May 23rd- Students Last Day and 2 hour early release