April 3, 2020
Huntsmen Community,
Due to the recent announcement from our governor regarding our stay at home order, the following information is important as we navigate through these challenging times. Just in case you didn’t hear the new order, schools have been shut down until May 1, 2020. That puts an estimated return date of Monday May 4, 2020. However, as we all have seen over the past month, many uncertainties still exist and we certainly can’t predict the future. Our goal here at Huntington hasn’t changed, providing your child with quality educational opportunities and nutritional meals will remain our focus as a staff. There isn’t enough gratitude we can give to our staff for their ability to adapt and serve you from home. As a coworker in this district, I cannot be more proud of the way our team has responded. Thank you staff for your continued efforts to provide. Once again, thank you to our community and students for your patience during this time and your work completed at home. We believe these opportunities provided will continue to enrich your education and strengthen your foundational skills.
Pete Ruby
Huntington Local School
Educational Opportunities
Educational activities and opportunities will be provided for the students via Huntsmen.org, students’ email, Google Classroom or paper copies upon request. If you wish to have the academic activities mailed to your home, please call the offices and and leave a message or click on the link below to request packets to be mailed: https://forms.gle/bUWLeopJ6nGYkKSC9
High School Office - 740-663-2230
Middle School Office - 740-663-6079
Elementary School Office - 740-663-2191 - All elementary students will receive a packet, no need to call.
*Within the next week, your child should be receiving three activities per subject for each week we are not in session. Please have as much of these activities completed upon return to school. We will be evaluating over the next few weeks the process for grading and returning activities as we receive more guidance from the Ohio Department of Education. Remember, the main focus of these activities are to enrich and keep your child on track with their education.
Food Service
Huntington Schools will be providing 5 days worth of breakfast and lunch to our students upon request during the mandated school closure. Pickup location is Huntington Local Schools, Parents can request meals for their students by filling out an online form: https://forms.gle/fTrq8saDwY6Ngf8T7 or by calling the District Office at 740-663-5892. Dates for pick up will be the following thursdays from 11 AM to 1 PM:
Thursday April 9, 2020
Thursday April 16, 2020
Thursday April 23, 2020
*If you have previously requested food assistance, there is no need to fill out the form again.
Extracurricular and Athletics
At this time, all athletics and extracurricular are suspended until further notice. This includes youth, club and school teams. Absolutely no team practicing during this period.
*This document will be updated as we receive information from federal, state and local authorities. Please check back often.
Resources Links
Ohio Department of Educaton http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus
Remote Learning Resource Guide http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus/Remote-Learning-Resource-Guide.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US
Graduation Requirements in Light of Corona Virus http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus/Graduation-Requirements-in-Light-of-Coronavirus-Re#.Xod5ZRzsSG4.twitter
Center for Desease and Control https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Governor Dewine https://governor.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/governor/
Ross County EMA http://rosscountyema.com/
Parents Guide to Google Classroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iowi-gmbys
Coronavirus Prevention http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Prevention-Flyer.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US
FAQ Coronavirus http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Student-Supports/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Key-FAQ.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US