Huntington Elementary Announcements
October 26th, 2018
Happy Birthday:
- It’s not too late to sign up for the Atomic Student Credit Union. Remember, if you make a deposit every week during the month of October, you will win a prize!
- The PTO will be collecting box tops for education. This will be a fun, competition between the classes. Each month the class that has collected the most box tops will be treated to an ice cream party. We ask that you turn your box tops in to the office on the last Wednesday of each month. They will be counted on Thursday, and on Friday the winning class will be announced.
- October 22- 26th- Bus Safety Week- Poster contest- posters will be made in art class. The Grand prize winner will receive a 16 GB 10.1 quad-core tablet with android 7.1 nougat.
- October 27th- Community Fall Fest. There will be activities all day from 8:00- 5:00 p.m. including a chili cook-off, Lil Miss and Mr. Huntington Pageant, Huntsmen IDOL singing competition, 3 on 3 basketball tournament, a Haunted Hallway, costume judging. Concession style foods, carnival style games with prizes, a bounce house, pumpkin carving and face painting. Admission is free.
- October 29-30th- CoGat testing 2nd grade
- October 30th- 1st Nine Weeks Award @ 2:00 p.m.
- October 31st- Halloween snack- 2:45- 3:15
- October 31st- Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:00 in the student parking lot near the softball diamond. Wear your best costume. Prizes will be given to the best decorated vehicle.
- November 1st- December 21st- Pre-sale for the 2019 Yearbooks. The sale is $5 off of the normal price. H.S. book is $50 and Elementary/MS book is $35
- November 3rd 10th and 17th – Elementary Girls Basketball Clinic- 3rd and 4th grade 9:00- 10:30 the High School Gym. This is a free clinic and we encourage every girl who has an interest in basketball to attend.
- November 8th- Veterans Day assembly @ 1:30 p.m. in the High School Gym
- November 8th- Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30-7:30 p.m.
- November 9th- No School- Parent/Teacher conferences 8:00-11:30 a.m.
- November 12th- No School- Veterans Day
- November 16th- Interim Reports go home
- November 20th- 2 hour Early Release
- November 21-26th- No School- Thanksgiving Holiday