Huntington Elementary Announcements

November 28th, 2018


Happy Birthday:

  • The PTO will be collecting box tops for education. This will be a fun, competition between the classes. Each month the class that has collected the most box tops will be treated to an ice cream party. We ask that you turn your box tops in to the office on the last Wednesday of each month. They will be counted on Thursday, and on Friday the winning class will be announced.
  • November 1st- December 21st- Pre-sale for the 2019 Yearbooks. The sale is $5 off of the normal price. H.S. book is $50 and Elementary/MS book is $35
  • December 3rd- 7th- Santa Shop- Classes will go during Tech and Library
  • December 8th- The Huntington Township Fire Department will be hosting Pancakes and Presents with Santa @ the fire department 9-11 a.m.
  • December 14th- Fun Friday 2:00 p.m.
  • December 15th - The HS Girls Basketball team will be hosting a Chinese Auction  from 12:00 - 7:00 in the lobby outside the gyms
  • December 20th- Preschool Christmas program @ 9:30 a.m. in the High School Gym
  • December 21st- End of 2nd Grading period and 2 Hour Early Release
  • December 22nd- 31st- Christmas Holiday- No School
  • January 1st- New Year Holiday- No School
  • January 2nd- Teacher In Service- No School
  • January 3rd- School Resumes
  • January 15th- 2nd Nine weeks assembly @ 2:00 p.m.  in High school gym
  • January 21st- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School