The Huntington Huntsmen Football Team has punched a ticket to the playoffs for the first time in school history! You can order your official Playoff gear at http://huntingtonspiritwear.cssprinting.org/ Deadline to order is Friday 10/21. Orders can be picked up starting next week at the school. GO GREEN!

Football Friday Night

Welcome to this week's edition of Huntsmen Spotlight! We're getting to know a teacher from each building today - First Grade Teacher, Lydia Alexander, 5th Grade Teachers Megan Secoy and Hannah Bradley and High School Math Teacher, Jennifer Akers!

Reminder! Grandparents' Night is tonight from 6pm-7pm! We can't wait to see you all!


Sectional Champion Game
Thursday 10/20 6pm
Huntington vs Westfall
All tickets must be purchased online at https://www.ohsaa.org/tickets
Go Green!

Time for our weekly Huntsmen Spotlight! This week we welcome a social worker, a classroom aide, and two teachers to the spotlight: Alyse Klupenger, Crystal Whitcomb, Jill Gillott, and Lily Hocker.

We are looking for workers for the winter sports season to help in the concession stand! If you are willing and able, please email Athletic Director, Justin Kellough - Justin.Kellough@Huntsmen.org.
Go Green!

Elementary buses are just now leaving the school.

The community is invited to the Ross County Band Festival being held at the Huntington Athletic Complex on Sunday. The parade of bands begins at 3pm. Food Trucks will begin serving food at noon. Hope to see you all there!

Great fun and food at the first annual H E R O Tailgate! We appreciate the opportunity to gather with all the Huntsmen H E R O staff members and their families.
Go Green!
Event + Response = Outcome

Trick or Treat at the Track!
Come join the fun! Let’s provide a safe place for our kids to Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat at the Track is on October 31st and will begin at 6pm and conclude at 7:30pm. Community members are welcome to set up chairs around the High School Track to pass out candy to Trick or Treaters. If you would like a spot to pass out candy, please click below to register. Trick or Treaters do not need to register, all are welcome.

Come out and support the Huntsmen!

Time for our weekly Huntsmen Spotlight! This week we are getting to know some more new staff members: Hannah Constantino, Tyson Vickers, Kelsey Carroll and Michaele Raines!

Due to 772 closure near the Fish Camps, beginning Monday, September 26th students that ride Bus 7 and live on HAPPY HOLLOW, LIBERTY HILL ROAD AND 772 FROM LIBERTY TO WATER’S EDGE, will now be riding BUS 13. The pick up time will remain the same.
Students that ride bus 7 and live on BISHOP HILL, GRUBB ROAD AND 772 FROM CLOSURE TO TURNER RD will have the same pick up time in the morning but will arrive home in the afternoon approximately 15 minutes earlier.
These changes will continue through the closure.


Which administrator do you think it will be??? Students will be able to vote at lunch this week by putting money in the jar (Not Ms. Gray's jar 😉)

Welcome to the first installment of Huntsmen Spotlight! We begin with 4 of Huntington's newest employees: Brittany Cooper, Kyle Deal, Jackie Stauffer and Lauren Williams! Check back each Friday for Huntsmen Spotlights and get to know the awesome people we have at Huntington!

Huntington Local School Board recognized teacher Tracie Waldron for her service to the youth of our community. For the last 7 years Mrs. Waldron has organized the Huntington Township Merchants donations to purchase 4-H projects at the Ross County Fair. Thank you, Mrs. Waldron!

Bus 19 is running behind schedule to do an accident. All students are safe and unharmed. District is following protocols and will resume the route as soon as possible.