Huntington Schools is on the search for a Speech and Language Pathologist. We offer competitive pay and benefits in a team-oriented environment. Interested candidates may contact Dan Riddle at 740-663-5892 ext 55141 or email:
over 2 years ago, Heidi Gray
are you awesome?
FREE MEALS for kids 18-under!! Monday - Friday from 11:30 - 12:15 at the Little League Baseball Field. Meals available right now! Come pick them up!!
over 2 years ago, Heidi Gray
2022-2023 Open Enrollment Period deadline is August 1st! Click the link for the printable form:
over 2 years ago, Heidi Gray
open enrollment
Huntington Local Schools has openings for the following positions: Speech and Language Pathologist School Nurse Please see posting details below.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
School Nurse
Huntington Local Schools would like to thank the Ross County Sheriff Department, Highway Patrol, local EMS personnel and local educator volunteers that participated in the Emergency Drill that was conducted today. The lessons learned today will serve our district well as we work to create a safe learning environment for our students.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Huntington Local Schools will be conducting a full-scale emergency drill tomorrow, Friday, June 10th on school grounds. This drill will involve all Ross County Emergency Resources as well as some Pike County first responders. We have over 60 volunteer teachers and administrators from area districts to assist in this drill. Please do not be alarmed if you hear sirens from squad cars, police vehicles or other first responders. The drill will begin at 10 AM and will take approximately two hours. This is a closed event and no one will be allowed on school grounds during that time other than those participating. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we practice to keep our staff, students and community safe.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Free books! Today and tomorrow at Huntington High School Lobby in front of the Library. 1pm - 8pm.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Best of luck tomorrow to Huntington’s 2022 State Track & Field Championship Qualifiers. 4x200m Relay: Dalton Haubeil, Wes Brown, Quinton Puckett, Seth McCloskey 200m Dash: Wes Brown Long Jump: Allison Basye Seated Shot Put: Brooke Hopkins Long Jump: Dalton Haubeil Go Green!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
TWP Euchre Tournament winners! 1st place Nina Sams 2nd place Danny Sams 3rd place Sarah Vance
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Reminder - Tomorrow, May 26th is students' last day and a two-hour early release. Have a safe, fun summer!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Thankful for our wonderful SLP, Mrs. Danielle Boggs!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Who's the best Euchre Player in the TWP? TWP Euchre Tournament May 26th at 6pm in the Huntington Cafeteria No Entry Fee Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Individual Rotation Play Register here or arrive by 5:30 the day of tournament:
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Good Luck to Huntsmen Archery team as they travel to Nationals this weekend!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Elementary buses are running approximately 10 minutes late.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Reminder - Tomorrow, Friday, May 13th is a Teacher In-Service Day. School is not in session for students. Have a great weekend!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
No School
Our community enjoyed a night of arts with our Band Concert and Art Show.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Attention parents of current 8th graders through Juniors interested in playing High School sports next year: Adena athletic trainers will be at school on Thursday, May 12th at 9:00am to do free sports physicals. Blank 2022-2023 physical forms will be distributed tomorrow (Wednesday, May 11th) and must be brought back with the potential athletes on Thursday.
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
It's a week full of appreciation - Bus Drivers, School Nurses, Teachers, School Cafeteria Workers! We are so thankful for all our heroes that help keep our school clean and students fed, healthy and educated. THANK YOU for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Thank You
We appreciate our Bus drivers!! Thank you for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Who's the best Euchre Player in the TWP? TWP Euchre Tournament May 5th at 6pm in the Huntington Cafeteria No Entry Fee Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Individual Rotation Play Register here or arrive by 5:30 the day of tournament:
almost 3 years ago, Heidi Gray