It's almost time to register the Huntington Class of 2035!! Click the link below to reserve your appointment for Kindergarten registration on April 21st or 22nd. You can also call the Elementary Office at 740-663-2191 to reserve a time.
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
K Registration
Huntington Local Schools March Madness Cornhole Tournament & NCAA Bracket Challenge Tuesday, March 15 in Huntington HS Gym Click here for details: Click here to register:
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Cornhole Tournament Information
Spring Sports Schedule can be found here: *Subject to change
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Spring Sports Schedule
Congratulations to our winter sports All Scioto Valley Conference athletes of 2021-2022. Jesse Lett Dalton Black Quinton Puckett Allison Basye and Maverick Smith
about 3 years ago, TWP Athletics
all SVC
Congrats to our Trivia winners tonight! First place - The Wilbarns (Nicole, Gabe and Aurora) Second place- Mr. Popular (Alex & Ava) Third Place - J squared (Jason & Jillian) 2023-2024 All-seasons Family Sports Pass Winner - Jason Leach
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
3rd Place
2nd place
1st place
sports pass winner
Effective February 25, 2022, CDC does not require wearing of masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs. Facial coverings will be optional in Huntington Local School facilities and transportation.
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Join us for Trivia Night!! All attendees will be entered for a chance to win a 2022-2022 FAMILY ALL-SEASON SPORTS PASS When: February 28th @ 6:30pm to 7:30pm Where: Huntington Cafeteria Click here to register:
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Trivia Night
Join us for Trivia Night!! All attendees will be entered for a chance to win a 2022-2022 FAMILY ALL-SEASON SPORTS PASS When: February 28th @ 6:30pm to 7:30pm Where: Huntington Cafeteria Prizes for the top 3 teams! Popcorn and Drinks Provided!
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
trivia night
Huntington Local Schools would like to congratulate Mrs. Machelle Uhrig on being recognized as an Outstanding Educator. Mrs. Uhrig was recognized at the Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools Awards Luncheon on February 22nd. The Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools serves 110 school districts over 32 counties in the region of Ohio known as Appalachia.
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Machelle uhrig
We would like to pass along some important information and dates for the 2022 Senior Trip. The dates for the trip will be March 21st through March 25th. The cost of the trip is $950. The second half payment is due Friday February 25th. All student accounts must be paid in full by this date. We will also be having the mandatory parents meeting on Tuesday March 8th at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria. All students participating in the trip must attend the meeting with a legal guardian. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Fraley or Mr. Phillips.
about 3 years ago, Pete Ruby
Trivia Night!!! February 28th at 6:30pm! Come out to show your knowledge and compete against your friends!! Click below for details!
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Trivia Night
The Huntington Middle School winter sports awards ceremony will be on Monday, March 7th in the Middle School gym at 6:30pm for all winter athletes in grades 7th and 8th. The Huntington High School winter sports awards ceremony will be on Wednesday March 9th in the High School gym at 6:30pm for all winter athletes in grades 9-12.
about 3 years ago, TWP Athletics
Happy Valentines Day from HLSD! Our students made Valentines last week and delivered them to the VA and Traditions for the residents. Thank you, students and National Honor Society 💚 #Twp
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Huntington Local School will be on a 2 hour delay Monday February 14, 2022
about 3 years ago, Pete Ruby
Use the link below to purchase tickets for the girls sectional final on Monday, February 14th at 7pm at Adena High School: Choose Girls Basketball, then scroll down to Division III and choose Southeast 1.
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Huntington Little League: UPDATE: no sign up Saturday, Feb. 12th. The LAST sign up on Sunday, February 20th from 1pm -3pm at the H.S. Lobby. If there are questions, contact through Facebook or text Caridi Rinehart 740-793-1841
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Check out our November and January Proud Huntsmen of the month!
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
Proud Huntsmen
No bus service today on Bethel and Arrowood roads.
about 3 years ago, Pete Ruby
College Credit Plus Information Meeting for parents has been rescheduled for Feb 17 @ 5:00 pm. In order to participate in College Credit Plus for the 2022/2023 school year, the parent or guardian is required to attend an information meeting. This includes the parents of students who are already participating in College Credit Plus. Any questions, please email
about 3 years ago, Heidi Gray
No bus service on the following roads today Thursday February 10, 2022: Chester hill between blain and 772, Minney hill, Easterday top of hill bus will go to stop sign, Keiser over the hill, Arrowood, Bethel, and shady glen.
about 3 years ago, Pete Ruby