Huge shout out to our snow and ice crew this week. They have worked extremely hard keeping our property safe. Thank you Ronnie Carroll, Rodney Jones, Barry Haubeil, and Terry Stratton. Much appreciated!
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Huntington will be closed tomorrow Thursday February 18, 2021. Parent teachers conferences are canceled and will be rescheduled with your individual teacher.
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
The ACT test for all Huntington juniors has been cancelled for Tuesday, February 23rd. The test has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 9. Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Kerns will provide more information at a later date.
about 4 years ago, Craig Kerns
Huntington Local Schools will be on remote learning Wednesday, February 17th. All buildings will be closed. HS/MS should login to google classroom to complete assignments. Elementary students will utilize blizzard bags upon return to school.
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Huntington Local Schools will be on remote learning Tuesday, February 16th. All buildings will be closed. HS & MS students should login to Google Classroom to complete their assignments. Elementary students will catch up on Blizzard Bag assignments when we return. Stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Heidi Gray
Remote Learning
Huntington Lady Huntsmen @ Oak Hill Sectional Semi-Finals
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
7th Grade SVC Tournament
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Huntington Huntsmen Wrestling
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Huntington Varsity Basketball vs Piketon
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Reminder! Today is a scheduled remote learning day. Also, JVS and Unit bus running on 2 hour delay.
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Tonight’s girls basketball game vs Piketon has been moved to tomorrow evening. Varsity girls will play at 6pm followed by varsity boys.
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Huntington will be closed tomorrow Thursday February 11, 2021
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Buses left the parking lot at 1:15. Students are on their way home.
about 4 years ago, Heidi Gray
Due to incoming weather Huntington Schools will be dismissing early. HS drivers will be dismissed 12:30pm. All students - HS, MS and Elementary will be dismissed at 1:00pm. All bus students will be riding on one bus route. Pick-up will be at the normal location.
about 4 years ago, Heidi Gray
No bus service this morning on Keiser and Rinehart road. Wednesday February 10, 2021
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Huntington Local Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow Wednesday February 10, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Girls Basketball Schedule Update Tonight’s game vs Piketon has been moved to Thursday 5pm JV tip
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Huntington schools will be closed and will utilize remote learning today Tuesday February 9. 2021
about 4 years ago, Pete Ruby
Huntington Boys Basketball vs Zane Trace
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics
Girls Basketball Game Addition, Monday 2/15 Home vs Crooksville Ceramics 6pm Varsity Only
about 4 years ago, TWP Athletics