However we have moved kickoff back to 7:30pm! Please Share.
Picture Day is coming! Elementary pictures will be September 10th. Middle School and High School will be September 11th.
It’s clearing up at Myrl Shoemaker Athletic Complex, bring something to whipe your seats because we are still on!!!!
Fourth Grade Newsletter
Third Grade Newsletter
Kindergarten Newsletter
TH!NK 21 Newsletter
Second Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
Deputy Reffett and his dog, Petey visited the elementary today! Thank you, Ross County Sheriff for keeping our schools safe!
Our fourth grade students shared their PAX Vision in a PAXwork Quilt. Great work, fourth graders!
Our annual home cross country meet is being moved from Tuesday to Wednesday.
Due to meet the team being canceled last week, we will introduce all our fall athletes 7-12 during halftime of the football game Friday night. Athletes will get in free to the game which kicks off at 7pm.
Reminder: Meeting for fall sport athlete parents tonight at 5:30pm in the Archery Building at the athletic complex.
Second Grade Newsletter
First Grade Newsletter
Fourth Grade Nrwsletter
Third Grade newsletter
Due to the chance of inclement weather tonight, meet the team and the parents meeting are canceled. The parents meeting will be on Monday at 5:30 in the archery building.
The last sign up for flag football (grades 1-6) will be be tomorrow evening at 6pm at the flag football practice field located at the corner of Blain Highway and 772.