On Wednesday, April 28th, Huntington High School held a ceremony to induct the 2021 members and recognize the members from 2020 National Honor Society. Membership in this chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Congratulations to all the inductees for their hard work and dedication to their Academics!
2020 Inductees
Sydney Reed, President
Katie Fisher, VP
Cindy Hopkins, Sec.
Ciera Grooms, Tres.
Carter Amole
Madison Ackley
Leila Arrowood
Tara Bushatz
Marissa Elkins
Lincoln Grubb
Tye Hinshaw
Katie Hirsch
Kylee Kellough
Sami Reed
2021 Inductees
Matthew Baker
Hannah Balusik
Carly Dyer
Nichole Garrett
Harmony Henneberger.
Johnathon Kendall
Cheyenne Kifer
Cheyenne Klotz
Madison Leach
Nicholas Marion
Shelbie McGraw
Brandon Petty
Gregory Richards
Angela Scott
Megan Steele
Harley Temple
Chloe Thomas