April 6, 2018
1. F.C.S. will meet during lunch.
2. We have discount tickets for King’s Island in the office. Stop by and pick up some today!
3. The Archery T-shirt order forms are available in the office.
4. The 2018 yearbooks can be ordered now. Order forms will be in each office or you can follow the link of the yearbook page on the school website.
5. The Awards Assembly for the 3rd grading period will be today at 12:00. Following the awards, students will clear the gym to go to their lockers prior to the Jordan Family Concert which will begin at 1:30. Students will be dismissed from the concert to go directly to the buses. Family and friends are invited to stay for the concert following the awards assembly.
6. Students: PLEASE NOTE: Hallways and classrooms are now “no spray zones”. Do NOT use perfumes, colognes, body sprays, hair sprays, deodorants or any other aerosol products in these areas.
7. We remind students that even though you are acting out of courtesy, please do NOT open school entrance doors to anyone. They must be “buzzed” in by school personnel.
8. We have registration forms in the office for the 6th annual “Run4Beau” 5K Run/Walk which will be held on the Waverly School Campus at 8:30 pm, April 21st. Registrations are due by April 7th.
9. The final dance for this school year has been scheduled for May 5th from 6:00-8:00. This is for 7th and 8th grade students only. The dance will be held in the Cafeteria. The dance will be Semi-Formal. The theme is “Starry Night”. Cost is $5.00. You may purchase your pre-sale tickets for the dance from Mrs. Reed (room # 241) before 1st period and during lunch. Doors will open at 5:00 for pictures. Picture order forms in the office.
April 6 3rd Grading Period Awards/ Jones Family Concert
May 5 7th and 8th Grade Dance “Starry Night” (6:00-8:00 Cafeteria)
May 21, 22, 23 5th and 6th Grade Camp
May 23 Student’s last day
May 24 Teacher’s last day
May 26 High School Graduation