Power of the Pen is cancelled today.
Jan. 9: Jr. High Basketball v.s. Zane Trace (Girls @ home and Boys@ Z.T.) 5:00
Jan. 14: Jr. High Basketball vs. Adena (Boys @ home and Girls @ Adena) 5:00
Jan. 16 Jr. High Basketball vs. Westfall (Boys @ home and Girls @ Westfall) 5:00
Jan. 17: 1st Semester Assembly (1:45 Middle School Gym)
Jan. 19: Jr. High Wrestling @ Washington C.H.
Jan. 21: No school for students (Martin Luther King Day)
Jan. 23: Jr. High Basketball vs. Paint Valley (Boys @ home and Girls @ Paint Valley) 5:00
Jan. 26: Jr. High Wrestling @ Jackson
Jan. 30: Jr. High Basketball vs. Southeastern (Girls @ home and Boys @ Southeastern) 5:00
Feb. 1: Interims
Feb. 2: Jr. High Wrestling @ Wellston
Feb. 6: Jr. High Wrestling @ Wellston Waverly
Feb. 9: 7th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (H.S. Gym) 10:00, 11:30, 1:00 and 2:30)
Feb. 11: 7th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (H.S. Gym) 6:00 and 7:30
Feb. 13: 7th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament (H.S. Gym) 6:00 and 7:30
Feb. 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:30-7:30 p.m.)
Feb. 14: No school for students- Parent/Teacher Conferences (8:00-11:30)
Feb. 16: Jr. High Wrestling S.V.C. Tournament @ Paint Valley
Feb. 18: No school (Presidents Day)
March 8: End of 3rd Grading Period
March 12: School Spring Pictures
March 13, 14, 15: No School (Spring Break)
Middle School Announcements
January 8, 2019