Thank you from Huntington Local School

Congratulations to Tiffany Taylor on winning the $1000 giveaway at our TWP Appreciation Night! Look for more great community events to come! H E + R = O

Happening now! TWP Appreciation Night! Introducing our community to the R-Factor! Thanks @F3Derek. #E+R=O

Watch now- 2021 HLSD Veterans Day Program

Congratulations to these four seniors (Megan Steele, Seth McCloskey, Allison Basye, Dalton Haubeil) as they were recognized at the SVC banquet this evening for earning All-SVC in football and volleyball. GO GREEN!

Picture retakes are tomorrow, November 9th for all three buildings.

Picture retakes are tomorrow, November 9th for all three buildings.

You're invited! HLSD TWP Appreciation night! November 10th - food beginning at 7:00pm. Click below to register for prizes!

Huntington Local Schools invites all local veteran to be honored at our Veterans Day Assembly in the High School gymnasium on Wednesday, November 10th from 1:00 - 2:30.

Thank you South Central Power Company for your support! The Senior Class was awarded a $5000 grant to help with expenses for the Senior Trip.

You're invited to Huntington Local Schools TWP Appreciation Night!
Click below for details! https://indd.adobe.com/view/2950f8d0-28ac-4a38-b527-6b5d66cbf254

Winter Sports Schedule
Go Green!

This a reminder that tomorrow night Monday November 1st we are having the High School Fall Sports Awards Ceremony at 6:30pm in the High School Gym for all athletes 9-12.

Congratulations to the Lady Huntsmen on an outstanding season. 2022 District Runner-ups!

Coming soon to a mailbox near you!
Huntington Local Schools 2021 Quality Report

The Huntington Local. Schools Cafeteria would like to inform parents, staff and students that we are experiencing supply chain issues at this time. We might have to make some last minute substitutions in our daily breakfast and lunch menus. We will do our best as we work through this together. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Don’t forget to get your varsity volleyball tournament tickets online at the OHSAA website. Tickets will NOT be sold at the gate. All tickets must be purchased online. Our varsity volleyball team will be playing Portsmouth West at home in the district semi-finals at 6:00 on Wednesday, October 27.

Don’t forget about Trick or Treat at the Track this Saturday! Come out and have a spooktacular time!

Huntington boys cross country preparing to compete in the OHSAA Division III Boys Cross Country Championship.

Lady Huntsmen getting ready to race in the OHSAA Division III District Cross Country Championship. GO GREEN!